Background: The gut microbiome is integral to host health, hosting complex interactions between the host and numerous microbial species in the gastrointestinal tract. Key among the molecular mechanisms employed by gut bacteria are transportomes, consisting of diverse transport proteins crucial for bacterial adaptation to the dynamic, nutrient-rich environment of the mammalian gut. These transportomes facilitate the movement of a wide array of molecules, impacting both the host and the microbial community.
Summary: This communication explores the significance of transportomes in gut bacteria, focusing on their role in nutrient acquisition, competitive interactions among microbes, and potential pathogenicity. It delves into the transportomes of key gut bacterial species like E. coli, Salmonella, Bacteroides, Lactobacillus, Clostridia, and Bifidobacterium, examining the functions of predicted transport proteins. The overview synthesizes recent research efforts, highlighting how these transportomes influence host-microbe interactions and contribute to the microbial ecology of the gut.
Key messages: Transportomes are vital for the survival and adaptation of bacteria in the gut, enabling the import and export of various nutrients and molecules. The complex interplay of transport proteins not only supports bacterial growth and competition but also has implications for host health, potentially contributing to pathogenic processes. Understanding the pathogenic potential of transportomes in major gut bacterial species provides insights into gut health and disease, offering avenues for future research and therapeutic strategies.